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Understanding How B2B Pricing Is Different

Exploring, Understanding, and Embracing Five Critical Differences Between B2B and B2C Pricing

It's easy to believe that pricing is a generalized discipline where the basics are the same whether the buyer is a consumer or a business. But when the differences between B2B and B2C pricing aren't fully understood, there can be dire consequences. In this guide, you'll learn:

  • The 5 key differences between B2B and B2C pricing that many people fail to recognize.
  • Why B2B pricing often has the data and potential that B2C pricers can only dream of.
  • How negotiation is such a powerful aspect of B2B pricing and why your pricing efforts should exploit it.
  • The reason why B2C concepts applied to B2B can be like giving the wrong medication to a patient.

This guide is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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