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Five Tips for More Effective Price Segmentation

Exploring Five Strategies for Making Your Price Segmentation More Powerful and More Profitable

It's not too bold to say that the success---or failure---of a pricing initiative hinges on the quality and accuracy of the underlying price segmentation model. Highlighting a number of strategies for improving your segmentation model, in this video guide you will learn about:

  • How granular your price segmentation needs to be and why it needs to take various deal circumstances into account.
  • The right way to leverage your internal team's knowledge and experience about how customers respond to price.
  • How and why you need to get beyond the anecdotes and internal opinions to learn the truth about which attributes matter.
  • Striking the right balance between the accuracy of your segmentation model and your team's ability to execute to it.

This guide is just one of hundreds of educational resources you get access to as a PricingBrew Journal subscriber.

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